Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Why look for the Living among the dead ?"

Christ is Risen… He is Risen Indeed !!

I love those moments when God changes our viewpoints toward eternity and lasting hope in a life changing event. The following verses in Luke 24 reflect such a moment.

24:1 Now on the first day of the week, at early dawn, the women went to the tomb, taking the aromatic spices they had prepared. 24:2 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, 24:3 but when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.24:4 While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men stood beside them in dazzling attire. 24:5 The women were terribly frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 24:6 He is not here, but has been raised! Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 24:7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.”24:8 then the women remembered his words, 24:9 and when they returned from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. 24:10 Now it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles. 24:11 But these words seemed like pure nonsense to them, and they did not believe them. 24:12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb. He bent down and saw only the strips of linen cloth; then he went home, wondering what had happened.

You see, the perspective of the cross was all scrambled up in the minds of the followers. In their hearts, the message the Christ had been giving them all along had not really sunk in.

a. He had made his claims as God’s Only Son, and in fact God.

b. He had shown them miracles of his power over sickness and death on more than one occasion.

c. He taught them heaven’s principals time and again while walking and talking with them.

d. Mary knew he was conceived of God !

But….now, they had seen him die. Even though he had told them exactly what would occur, that he would be crucified for man’s sins, and buried, only to rise again in three days, the followers of Christ were naturally lost and frightened. The whole scope of their existence was in jeopardy, and fear and concern gripped their hearts and minds. Skepticism was beginning to find it’s way in.

Then, the women visiting the tomb were conducting acts of mourning and respect for the dead, when their world was turned absolutely upside down. It took a little bit for it to sink in.. The question.. “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” was the turning point of perspective…. Their Lord and Savior, the one whom they placed their trust, had conquered death and sin… The rolled back stone, the empty tomb, the bewildered guards, the grave clothes laying in tact, were all evidence to them that indeed the Lord had risen. They ran off to tell others, their hopes again proven true, now by a Risen Lord. The remarkable appearances of Christ in the days that followed have changed the history of man forever. Many witnesses experienced first hand, the Risen Lord…. And Today we celebrate God’s power over sin and death. We celebrate our value found in Christ alone.

So today, celebrate… Rejoice from the very bottom of your heart… Sing a joyful noise unto the Lord… Raise your arms to heaven. Shout out loud your joy. Hug a neighbor or friend…Christ is risen. Christ is Risen indeed !

The reassurance we have from this event is best stated in the things that Jesus said to his disciples before he went into heaven.. Again, pointing our views eternally, and heavenward..

John 14:1-6

14:1 “Do not let your hearts be distressed.You believe in God; believe also in me. 14:2 There are many dwelling places in my Father’s house. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going away to make ready a place for you. 14:3 And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will come again and take you to be with me, so that where I am you may be too. 14:4 And you know the way where I am going.”14:5 Thomas said, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 14:6 Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Christ is Risen..

He is Risen Indeed.

Happy Easter and God Bless.

His Servant,


Friday, April 2, 2010

The Cost of My Sin, The Purchase of my Redemption

I stared at the crowd in front of Pilate
As Jesus, silent, before him stood.
There rang out cries from the angry brood. "Crucify Him, Crucify Him"

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

" Give us Barabus, please let him go, but kill the one who made us
whole. Please just kill the one who made us whole."

The cries of the crowd were barely done, when I. saw the crude crown
on his head was placed, causing a crimson flow down his face.

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

Much to my breaking heart, I saw the whips tear his back apart.
The beating continued until he barely stood, the ground below mixed
with mud, sweat, and blood.

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

Then came the cross, they demanded him to carry, up a steep hill, they
called it Calvary. With thorns on his head, blurring his sight, scars
on his back stealing his might, his steps became slow, so I stepped
into help.

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

The heart of this man, found guilty of love, was clearly a divine gift
sent from above. As I carried his cross up the hill that day, hearing
the mocking crowd on the way... I saw in his eyes a resolve with
great strength.

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

When we reached the top of Calvary that day, I watched and winced as
they pounded with nails, his hands and feet to therugged cross.

This I knew was the cost of my sin.

When the pounding was finished they hoisted them up, each nailed to a cross... A thief on each side paying for their personal crimes
To deepen the betrayal, the Lord of the universe, hung in the
middle, paying for my sins and the sins of the world.

I listened with wonder as I heard Christ comfort the thief who understood
his own crime. With authority and love he assured the man, that soon
he would join Christ in heaven forever.

And as the day grew closer to dusk, I heard the King of Kings cry up to His Father in heaven " My God, My God Why have you forsaken me? ". And then with
relief in His voice said "It is finished" and he died.

It was then I realized this was
this was the Purchase of my Redemption!
The Purchase of my Redemption!
The Purchase of my Redemption!

A soldier said, when seeing Christ's grace on the cross "surely, oh
surely this was the Son of God "

They carried him off on the cross, and wrapped his body in burial cloth and embalming “spices”. And laid his body in the
tomb. Soldiers of strength were set at the opening of the tomb, to guard with their lives this
King of Kings who claimed equality with God.

They wee determined to silence the faithful few, who were told by
Christ he would rise again to eternal life. They wanted the proof that Jesus had
died, to end once, and to silence all the claims he had made.

The skies of the world grew dark for three days; the battle of heaven
against sin was ablaze. The veil of the holy temple tore from the top
removing the barrier of direct access to God once and for all..

The Purchase of my Redemption
The Purchase of my Redemption

So now we wait. Would he conquer the grip of sin in our lives? Would
he end forever my condemnation?

It is Friday, But Sunday is a comin!

His Servant,