Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Days Before The Cross

When considering the days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I am often overwhelmed and in awe of the range of emotions that Jesus Christ endured. Think through this a minute with me.

1. The Passover supper with his disciples when he informed them that he would be crucified, spilling out his blood for the sins of man.

2. The love that he must've felt for his disciples as he ate that last Passover meal with them.

3. The knowledge that one of his close and beloved followers would betray him for mere silver.

4. Prediction of Peter's denial is an honest depiction of Peter's weakness, and also helping him see his need of the Holy Spirit to guide his life.

5. The garden of Gethsemane were Jesus prayed to God the father that the upcoming events that were planned from the beginning of eternity for him be taken away.

6. That same prayer for Jesus submitted to the will of the father that he lay down his life for the sins of man.

7. Standing in the garden as he was betrayed by Judas and watching his disciples flee in fear as he took steps by allowing himself to be arrested and led off to be crucified knowing it was the will of his Father.

8. Watching his prophecy of Peter's denial come true absorbing the hurt while knowing it would eventually build Peter’s faith. Then watching Peter weep bitterly, as he reconciled and resolved the gaps in his faith that had been exposed.

9. Being led before the Sanhedrin, who claimed to be the very experts in the word of God that he himself was the manifestation of, condemn Him to die.

10. Showing the strength to stand silently before his accusers, the very people he created, and the very people he was set to die for.

The strength of our Lord Jesus Christ, is displayed brilliantly and radiantly in the scriptures depicting his last week. Knowing he had the power of all creation is fingertips, and yet exercising restraint in the face of obvious betrayal. Looking at those condemning him, and proclaiming themselves to be experts in the word of God, knowing it was for them to he was sacrificing his life.

You see the week ahead was a depiction of the depravity of man compared to the Majesty of God. It was the greatest display of trust in the heavenly father for the purpose he had sent Jesus Christ to accomplish.

John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” That message clearly defines Jesus Christ’s walk during the week ahead. Only God’s love could have endured a week like this.

Take time this week as we approach Easter to consider when Christ endured for you, anything through what he must've felt for you as he willingly walked in God's will to the cross on Calvary.

And remember this week, in the words of a great preacher once said “it may be Friday, but Sunday is a comin’” He died, was buried, and rose again for you.

His Servant,


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