Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Loneliest Walk

The Loneliest Walk

During this week before Easter, thoughts often turn toward family, vacation, friends, and thoughts of a nice dinner come Sunday after church. These are truly memorable things and have value. As we approach Easter Sunday, however, I think of the lonliest walk known to man that Jesus Christ took on our behalf.

He had already demonstrated His rightful position as God to the religeous and non-religeous alike. His miracles showed that He had authority over sickness, as proven by the lepers, the blind, and the crippled that he healed. He waved his hand and commanded the sea and wind obey him. He had changed water into wine, and twice He had restored the dead to life. He fed the hungry by multiplying the child's small gift. He showed he knew every mind and heart like the woman at the well. He caused men to change their evil intent to stone a woman while displaying His authority to forgive.

No angle of insight into His purpose was left in doubt and people marveled at the power.

But His greatest act of service was yet to be displayed. He knew this time would come and even sought the face of the Heavenly Father to take the burden away. The miracles were the easy part. They were just part of Jesus Christ's God nature. He had that authority. The Lord's biggest display to man was that He willingly humbled himself to come to us in the form of a man to die in our place.

So imagine the thoughts of Jesus as He began the walk up the Calgary where He would be nailed to a cross to suffer in our place. The place that we have earned by our sin against God. How He took on the shame and torture by those He created, healed, and forgave during that walk is hard to comprehend. But even more amazing is how He took it on. While on the cross, he forgave the thief , but also cried to His heavenly father to forgive us. The last thing before He said "It is finished" was "My God, My God why have you forsaken me". That comment rivets through our souls like a deep sword. The Holy Father turning away from the obedient Son because of our sin. That was the lonliest moment ever recorded. Christ could have come off the cross but chose it for your sake and mine.

I would challenge everyone reading this note to invest good time thinking of Christ's lonely walk for you. He gave up more than his earthly life for us. He was separated by our sin from His rightful place in the Heavens. For you this was done. How much are you worth? Your value goes beyond measure.

John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever beleives on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

Peace to you and pass this on.

His Servant,


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