Encouraging Words to help you know that God Loves you and you are important to Him everyday.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Throwing stones or planting seeds ?
A major breakdown in Christian circles today is caused by Christians armed with stones to throw at each other and non believers when a problem is seen instead of biblically approaching a problem with the heart of heavenly wisdom.
We have named these stones well and have painted them to be our security blanket of attack when we or those around us sense our comfort zone has been breeched. Jesus however gained insight and brought heavely wisdom aimed at repentance and restoration. He guarded dignity of each person who was the target of reproach.
James 3:16 said it well. "But wisdom that is from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving , kind , considerate. Full of mercy and good fruit. 17. Peacemakers who so on peace raise a harvest of righteousness. "
So how do we throw stones ? And how can we know the difference between stones of self righteousness and condemnation and a true standing against right and wrong ?
Furthermore if I am truly a follower of Christ, what am I called to. ?
Let me start with an observation. Well meaning people throw stones of hurt and condemnation without knowing it but also without a solid biblical mindset.
For instance I hear a lot of whisper's amongst adults who will say "Stay away from that kid because he / she is a bad influence". (When in reality it is a kid who needs to see a better way and someone who cares enough to sow some seeds in their heart in a rightful way) we need to be teaching our kids to reach out with biblical wisdom so they are prepared to reach others as they grow into adulthood.
When I examine the life of Christ my savior I am always amazed at how he approached people with problems and sins. The very same people we pick up our bag of well named stones for !
For example , Zacheus the tax collector. Many good people threw mental stones at the little tax man. But not our Lord. He invited him to eat with him. Just the opposite of the avoidance stone the people were tossing ( If we are honest we all have bags of well polished beautiful stones designed to hit the mark of our intention ).
Now Jesus Christ was always equipped to respond to people with Biblical wisdom from heaven. "Go and sin no more" he would say or come and eat with. Me. ". To their amazement.
The woman about to be stoned for her lifestyle was not condemned by Christ, but given mercy and protection with The Lord's confronting the religious accusers with wise writing in the ground. One by one they dropped their stones. Realizing when Christ knew tbeir intent was malicious and not righteous the stones became to heavy to bear.
What if we traded our stones for seeds.? What would happen if we were slower to throw stones and quicker to see the person as Christ did. What if we really took the time it takes to cultivate a seed into a human spirit and water it rather than throw our stones of preconceived opinions and judgments. How many lives would be changed like Zacheus or the woman about to be stoned?
It is inconvenient, takes time, and many times will be misunderstood by those around us. But the results glorify God who redeemed you from a place of despair.
Psalm 119:14. Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.
His Servant
Jeff Dyk
Giving Hope and Healing Hurt
The I told you so's didn't help. Here she was with a baby she loved without the father to take care it in a place where she had no friends left. They all disappeared when the baby was born and she discovered most of her friends were there when life was fun and gone when it was hard.
But there was a friend that stayed close. She came and stayed nights and helped with the baby. She even helped with diapers and made sure she got the rest she needed. Then the unthinkable happened. The 17 year old father was tragically killed in a roadside accident. What was already difficult only got tougher The funeral, the condemning preacher pointing fingers of guilt and damnation. The loss of her fiance and father of their child suddenly separated forever. Crawling into the walls of her home with crushed hopes seemed her only alternative. But in the middle of it all was the friend who saw things differently Who wouldn't let her suffer alone A friend , who through other circumstances , knew the feeling of being judged wrongly by those inside the walls of the place called hope. Where others threw their righteous stones with cold and calculated accuracy, the friend saw differently In spite of criticism from the stone throwers she stayed persistant in being a friend Loving through the pain, seeking the joy, and pointing to a brighter future simply because her friend was a person of great worth and her new child precious in God's sight. Speaking from value , not judgement. The very foundation of God's love us. Value and relationship through his son. Saying in her deeds "I care and you and your baby are special to God".
And so the healing began. In a quiet walk with her new friend explaining how God desired a permanent relationship with her and her child. How moving forward on the promise of God's not man's was the place to find hope and help. She was interested in being the arms legs and feet to bring the message of hope . You see the friend saw the message was more than opinions and judgements. It was digging in and weeping and laughing through the pain. It was being there just because she was of great value. It wasn't easy and convenient. But her heart wouldn't let her friend struggle alone. She let herself feel the hurt and yet hold her grip with God and to be his hand to restore the broken hearted.
Jesus came to us in the desparate places we find ourselves in. He understood the pain of separation and held out hope for us in spite of our sin. He suffered and died for us. May we all view those around us in the light of that. Before we make a judgement let's look through the eyes of Christ. Let's apply His Word in the way that brings hope and healing not separation. Let's come out from the place called hope and be the hands and feet that deliver hope. That is the spirit of Christ. Our feet hands and hearts the agents of His abiding hope.
Peace to you.
Jeff Dyk
Feel free to pass this on. :).
Christmas - the Word became Flesh
Christmas brings out a time of year when family is important and a spirit of giving is in the air. Most importantly the season presents an opportunity to reflect on the greatest gift of all. The living breathing Word of God sent to us in Jesus Christ. The relevance of God's Word to you is just this. God sent his Son to live a life of obedience and Servanthood so that you could be a part of God's family. John 1 says "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten son of God, full of grace and truth.
It goes on to say "But as many as received him to them He gave the right to be called the children of God. "
The fact that God sent his Son in the wrapping of man and the humility of a manger to be a living example for life' journey, an obedient sacrifice for sin, and a victor over death is the greatest gesture ever known to man. In fact it the scriptures say it is the exclusive way to be forgiven of your sins and reconciled to God.
How busy is your Christmas season ? Too busy to quiet yourself and consider the real gift of God to you ? Take some time today and enjoy the message God sent in the form of his Son and how he came.
1. In a lowly manger
2. A vulnerable child yet completely God
3. Knowing he would one day die for our sins
4. Focused on having a relationship with you
5 A complete message from God with a living example of how to live out life to thee fullest
6. Knowing after his death for our sins, he would conquer death for all time.
7. That He would ascend to heaven to prepare a place for those who simply confess him as saviour and Lord.
Merry Christmas
Facing Uncertainty
When we don't know the future
and we fear the worst is yet to come. Take comfort in the loving arms of Jesus
who welcomes us to his home.
When the storm comes rolling in
And a shelter is a must
Take refuge in the Love of Christ
His peace the fruit of trust.
When the toils of life have sapped my strength yet further I must go
I will draw upon the Living Word
The anchor for my soul.
In the midst of rocky roads of life
That take so many turns
I'll keep my eyes fixed on him
And my heart's distractions will be spurned.
The kindness shown by the homeless man.
The night was cold and damp in Portland as I sat outside in my wheelchair (feet exposed) outside the Clackamus Barnes and Noble waiting for my ride. Quietly a bearded homeless man pushing his shopping cart full of rags and coats approached from my backside and placed his dirt stained hand on my shoulder and said with the kindest smile "Sir your feet look cold. Can I give you one of my blankets to warm them ?". He proceeded back to his cart before I could answer and began digging out a blanket. I thanked him and said my ride would be there soon. He nodded and smiled , then pulled out his umbrella and strolled off in the drizzly darkness his cart of rag gifts in tow.
I sat there dumbfounded. I honestly thought he would ask me for money or give me a story , but all he did was show me a kindness with what he had and then sauntered off with a satisfied grin on his grungy face , placing an umbrella over his head.
Not much else to say here, but I thought that I should share this story because so often the homeless are viewed as being in capable of helping others but for this moment in time this man with his basket filled with rags simply blessed me. Value displayed. Thank you Lord for showing me kindness in the most unexpected way.
Pass it on and pay it forward. :)
Jeff Dyk.
The power of words
Words have power
to build or destroy.
to love or hate.
To heal or hurt.
To create light or confusion.
To define or deceive
To delight or depress
To inspire or mislead.
Consider the following words and what simply stating the words does in your mind.
Yellowstone Park
Mother Theresa
Billy Graham
Adolph Hitler
Jesus Christ
Words are both the connection to the soul and the reflector of heart and mind.
Words must find their way into our mind to be used in what comes out of our lives and heart. Study God's Word.
God has spoken. He gave us His Word. He delivered a message. He embodied His Word in Christ and made sure that His message to us was clear.
John Chapter 1 says "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God " it also says "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. "
God has revealed His Love and will for us in the fabric of the scriptures. And that should inspire hope in our heart and action in our feet !
Jeremiah 33:3 says. "Thy Words were found and I did eat them and thy Words were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. "
Psalm 119:105 says " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"
Psalm 1:2. "But his delight is in the law of the Lord and His law does he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water that bringeth fort fruit in His season His leaf also shall not either and whatsoever he forth shall prosper. "
Hebrews 4:12. "The Word of God is Quick and powerful , sharper than any two edged sword. Dividing asunder soul and spirit And joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. "
Matthew says " Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will never pass away. "
I hope these Words have
Created light
And inspired you to pick up your Bible and soak in some words from your creator.
Psalm 19:14. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strenght and my redeemer. "
Peace to you and yours,
Jeff Dyk
Feel free to pass this on. And if it helped you spend some time soaking in God's Word then I am delighted. :)
Aptly his name is Peter
This Christmas God used this young boy to send a message to those in His circle that will carry on for years
When shown the manger scene on top of the mantle in my sister Lori's livingroom, and told the Christmas message , Peter quietly went to the mantle and picked up the baby Jesus figure and kissed the head. He then kneeled and crossed his heart while bowing and whispered "Thankyou God for Jesus".
Later that Day Peter got to attend a candlelight service and sat near the front of the auditorium. As the pastor gave his message , Peter began cheering him on with his enthusiastic "Rock On" in a voice loud enough to be heard by all. Smiling , the pastor recognized the moment of Peter's excitement as unfettered love for Jesus. He paused his message and told the congregation this is my friend Peter and he loves Jesus ! When the service was done and in another moment that had to bring a smile to the face of God , Peter walked up to the front where he had been eyeing the manger scene and threw himself face down in front of the baby Jesus and said "Thankyou God for Jesus, Thankyou "
The Bible says "Every knee will bow and every toungue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord ". I personally was inspired by Peter to take a quiet moment and simply thank God for the gift of his Son.
I am passing this story along hoping Peter will inspire you to do the same.
Serving Him ,
Jeff Dyk
Things a government cannot legislate
A lot of concerns swayed around the presidential elections of 2008 and rightfully so. Depending on how congress acts or the stances a new president may take on a variety of issues will have an effect on our personal situations in possibly dramatic ways. We should all prayerfully be involved in voting and exercising our civil rights to be involved.
That issue behind us in the short term I was thinking of all the things that should encourage us in our daily living that no government can legislate or limit us in.
1. Prayer. The bible says in James that the fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much. In Philippians 4;6 we are told. "in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be known into God and the peace of God which surpasses your ability to understand it, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus "
2. Final Authority. There is still only one God who came to us in person exclusively through Jeaus Christ and He is still on the throne. Titus 2 says "There is one God and one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus". And that is still true today after the election.
3. Obedience to God Obedience is still by far the greatest opportunity known to man. John 14:21 says "He who loves me will be loved by my f ather , and I too will love him and show myself too him ".
4. Kindness and generosity. While government can legislate all kinds of laws that impact our way, the decision to be kind and generous in our life with time, thought, and money is still up to us. The greatest return on an investment I have ever seen is when our treasures on earth are traded for treasures in heaven where nothing can erode in value. The good news here is that we get a load of God's value placed at our fingertips to use. Titus 3:5 says "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but by His mercy he saved us. By the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit".
May God Bless Your Day after elections
Servant hood Leadership
A contradiction of terms? Or a foundation of success? This simple question is the fundamental problem existing in Wall Street and Washington today. The very core of the meltdown of our financial system is at its roots a problem of greed and laziness. When leaders in companies do not lookout on their companies to understand where serving their companies best interest is to have the heart of a servant to set an example within the ranks of doing their best for the betterment of both the people they serve and the customers they serve with goods and services, it is the beginning of the erosion of hard work and the beginning of the end for the success.
It is important to understand that servant hood leadership cannot legislated or ushered in as a by product of a bailout. It only comes as a by product of example and clarity and character in action. True leaders inspire others through example they are the first to sacrifice when trouble strikes and the first to recognize others when success is achieved.
When boards of companies put executives in place that insure themselves first before success is achieved they with golden parachutes they have fundamentally began the erosion of that company or effort and they have sacrificed the well being of their investors, their employees , and their customers.
The greatest leaders are born from trial and servant hood circumstances that entailed much character building to finally be in a usable spot.
In the Bible the greatest leaders chosen by God all endured humbling circumstances to finally lead God's people in troubling times.
Consider Abraham. Waited 90 years for a promised son then asked of God to sacrifice that son in obedience to God
Consider David. A shepherd and fugitive before being put in the position of king.
Consider Joseph. Betrayed by his brothers. Accused falsely. Placed in prison. Then placed in a position that God would use to provide for the family of brothers that betrayed him.
And consider the leadership of Christ (Philippians 2) who though being equal to God. Made himself a man to bring us to God and suffered at the hands of those He created.
Look closely at the results of each of those leaders and then ask yourself what is really missing in our economy.
The start of something great always has these elements of servanthood and sacrifice and seems to start in the simplest of places.
The question I have to ask of myself is have I bought into the false leadership our financial markets are reflecting or is my personal outlook seeking the quick and easy. Never lose sight that God is looking for people in all walks of life to be servant leaders and no position we find ourselves is too small to follow the principals of servant leadership and never forget that following these fundamentals allows God to bless our effort and circle of influence which added up is the net result of our economy.
God bless and if this has challenged you to follow Christ more closely. Pass it on and read Philippians chapter 2. :) .
Jeff Dyk
Let this mind be in you.......
Philippians 2 speaks of letting the mind of Christ dwell in you. And then reveals the humble sacrifice of God toward his creation to restore you and I to himself.
Romans 12 says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So you can prove what is that good and acceptable will of God.
So how is it that we develop the mind of Christ?
The first step is the most difficult step. That step is first to recognize that His ways are higher than my ways and therefore humility before God is a must . Humility is the recognition that we are created for the purpose of worshiping God and walking in obedience to Him.
Micah 6:8 says. "And what does the Lord require of you oh man , but to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. "
The understanding and acknowledgment of this truth puts our mind in a place where we can begin to learn just what the mind of Christ is. This truth is foundational to the incredible value God has placed on us . God desires a great relationship with us !
The second step is to recognize our current position before God and to seek restoration to Him through repentance of our sin. Romans 3:23 teaches us that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Isaiah 53:6 says "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. "
And then the third and continuable step is to be in God's word to obey God's word and experience His love for you through an obedient and learned life in the scriptures.
John 14:21says
"He who has my commands and obeys them shall be loved by my Father and I too shall love him and show myself to Him "
Hope springs eternal when we take on the mind of Christ through a personal walk in his word.
Blessings to you. Today
Jeff Dyk
For I am not ashamed
As I read the gospels and all the times and ways that God revealed himself to individuals through miraculous means just to bring man a message from the throne of heaven that everyone and every situation mattered to God, it struck me that those people were the changed in ways that compelled them to share their experience with Christ with others. It was difficult for them to hold it in.
1. The boy who gave his bread and fish to Christ and saw the Lord feed 5000 people because he had compassion on them. I am sure he told his buddies about that for years. His faith that was willing to offer Christ the little he had to offer was rewarded in a way that changed the youngster for life
I'll bet he was not ashamed to speak of Jesus Christ and what he did.
2. The woman that was about to be stoned by her self-righteous accusers when she saw the Lord intervene in a manner that sent her accusers packing one by one. Imagine what the words from her creator that said " neither do I condemn you did in her spirit I'll bet she boldly spoke of her redemption. Her life was spared and her true worth established in person by her creator.
3. The ultimate statement of God's promise to us is that in spite of our sin he desires to forgive us and in fact dwell with us forever in His Kingdom and as a recipient of such majestic jesture I too must find occasion to boast.
God designed in His plan to reach His creation in the most personal way. He considers each person and knows each circumstance. Take a moment to recall the top 5 things the Lord has done for you then lookip the 5 most significant scriptures you have heard that have changed your life. Then find those in your circle of influence who need to hear a personal testmony from one who God has changed. Reach out and give the gift of your testimony. Allow God to blend it with the unchanging Word and see what happens.
You will see the Hand of God work because he delights in seeing the hope of salvation spread in His creation and through those He has touched.
Blessings to you ,
Jeff Dyk
Neither do I condemn you .... Go and sin no more.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
"If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unroghteousness"
How often do we find ourselves condeming others for small inconveniences or misunderstandings that cause irritations or lack of comfort while in the very same breath we call on the name of Christ. So often a condemning spirit overtakes the nudging of the Holy spirit.
How can we know when it is criticism, confrontation, or constructive instruction. ?
1. Criticism has judgement, malice, condemnation and pride at it's very roots. It offers condemnation without any hope of reconciliation or correction. It limits itself to self interpretation of what is right and is narrow in understanding. Where there is this type of criticism there is usually a lack of compassion and a devaluing of the value of a person
. Often the criticism is the end in and of itself. Intended to make one feel better about themselves at the expense of others
2. Christ confronted sinners regularly. He did so rightfully from a foundation of love, truth, and compassion. He always had an outcome in mind to point people's gaze to forgiveness and obedience to God. His confrontation was always based on scriptural truth and designed to break the sin barrier between man and God. In the temple when Christ confronted the moneychangers and traders for making the house of God a place for gain his anger was directred at the problem and he dealt with authority and outcome in mind.
3. Most of the times The Lord dealt with people with constructive compassionate instruction. Consider the woman at the well where he revealed her spotted past but she walked away with hope in her heart. A new found confidence that she was cared for by her creator in the most intimate way. He knew her deepest secrets and yet pointed her to God. Restoration not condemnation. The hope of a new obedient life. While it was clear in the message as to what was right or wrong, the hope of a new life of burdens lifted by Christ was always central.
Getting away from the natural human desire to criticize as a end of itself means we must take on the serving mind of Christ in every situation we find ourself in. What outcome does He desire and on what do I base my involvment in the matter ? Do I have a solid grip on the goals of Christ or do I have a personal agenda unchecked by a humble spirit before Christ and His hope for the person with whom I am dealing. ?
Psalm 19 : 14. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord , my strength and my redeemer "
Peace and blessings to you.
Feel free to pass this on if it has drawn you closer to our Great Saviour.
Jeff Dyk
Understanding Surrender to Christ
Surrender has the inherent connotation of giving up to another, It is easy to put a negative connotation to surrendering. We fear the outcome of surrender is going to lead to our demise or lack of satisfaction.
Jesus Christ taught us the way of surrender when in the garden of Gethsemane He sweated drops of blood when working out His surrender to the will of the Father. He then surrendered to the plan that God had and said "not my will, but thine be done".
It wasn't a pleasant short term outlook because The Father was asking his only Son to sacrifice himself fo the sake of created man. Obedience unto death on a cross. Imagine the magnitude of emotion wrapped up in Christ's act of obedience.
1. Holiness demanding sin be punished.
2. Love taking our punishment for sin
3. From throne of glorious splendor to a crown of thorns.
4. Center of praise to object of ridicule.
5. Wealth becoming poor to fulfill God's plan.
6. Humility trumping pride .
7 Betrayal of His created on the cross.
8 Obedience to the fulfillment of the law of God.
9. From death to victory over death
Jesus Christ being one with God knew his role was to suffer and sacrifice in total surrender in mind. He knew the plan of God the Father and truly surrendered to it. Trust , faith , hope , love and holiness in concert to bring man to God.
God has asked that we surrender to his will for us as well. Surrender to his will takes soul searching and coming to grips with those things that keep us from humbly stating to God .... "Not my will but thine be done. " Trusting God's planned outcomes are important in this process. He has set the example for us
The beauty of surrender to Christ is who we surrender to we can trust. We have hope. Faith is in a sure thing. And we can know God's plan to clothe us with His robe of righteousness.
You know Christ's surrender to the Father was paving the path of reconciliation to Him for us. And when it was completed God exalted Christ to the Right hand of the Father for all time. What an incredible sequence of events and emotions.
Our surrender to Christ with our lives our hopes, our dreams is an act of faith that our future and hope will be secure. That my life is in the best place possible when I obey him and really surrender my will for His .
I'll leave you with the Words of an old hymn
" I surrender all. I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender,
I surrender all"
Peace to you
Jeff Dyk
50 names of God to celebrate 50 years he has given me on this earth.
1. Alpha and Omega
2. Father in Heaven ( Everlasting Father)
3. Creator
4. Counselor
5. Word
6. Son of God
7. Holy Spirit
8. Emmanuel
9. Prince of Peace
10. Lord of all
11. Wonderful
12. Redeemer
13. Friend of sinners
14. Majesty
15. The way
16. The truth
17. The Life
18. Saviour
19. Jesus
20. The Nazarene
21. Son of man Son of God
22 Shepherd
23. My rock
24 . My Fortress
25. My Shield
26. Elohim
27. Teacher
28. Master
29. King of kings
29. Lord of lords
30. El Shadai
31. Carpenter's son
32. Bread of Life
33. Living Water
34. King of the Jews
35. The Messiah
36. Son of Mary
37. Holy One
38. The only begotten son of God
39. Healer
40. Comforter
41. Provider
42.the Risen one
45. Jehovah
46. Jirah
47. El
48. Mighty God
49. Mediator
50. Star of David.
Most of all He invited me to talk to using any of his names when I do.
How awesome is that.
Peace to you
Jeff Dyk
My 50th Birthday and 50 things I think I have learned.
1. Wisdom comes painfully sweet and about 2 days later than you want.
2. My dog's habit's are funny but the neighbor's dog is irritating.
3. Coffee has gotten a "latte" better over the years. From 10 cents a cup to 5 starbucks a cup. Now that is a "latte" .
4) I now know how the fish my Dad would brag about got so big and so many over the years.
5. I also understand why fishing is such an important part of any job. ( So now that I am 50 , I too have great tales of many big fish.)
6. If you enjoy what you do, and enjoy who God made you, you tend to have better days and so do those around you.
7. Gratitude becomes less circumstantial and more a decision the older you get.
8. The dreams pursued early are the fabric of what keeps your stride on point later. Choose your dreams well.
9. Kids are the greatest gift God could have given us and every stage they grow through an great adventure that reminds you of your own childhood.
10. Golfing was invented by a real comedian. And those who sell golf equipment are real geniuses. Those that buy golf stuff are delusional.
11. Tiger Woods has mastered the game. He is the cause of the great delusion of men that play the game.
12. Tiger Woods sells golf equipment. That makes him both a genius and a comedian. (and me delusional for playing the game)
13. I think I will skip over this one.
14. That the number 13 is not a cause to be supersticious. ( at least I don't think so )
15. A penny saved is a penny earned. And in today's stock market a penny can go a long way.
16. Skateboarding isn't such a healthy thing to do for fun with your kids.
17. If you mow grass for a living don't let your own lawn grow weeds.
18. A man can work too little and lose his pride, and a man can work too much and lose his way . A man can work just right and keep his joy. This I had to learn.
19. When you invest in another's well being over your own , yours generally improves equally. If not more. :)
20. I seem to remember the shots in basketball that I made more than the ones I missed. My brother Joe is still trying to catch up to me I am sure. :)
21. When you reach the age of 35 you begin to suspect that you haven't been selected in the pro draft and you should stay in the oil business.
22. A good friend is a great gift
23. I am fortunate to have grown up with parents who cared enough to discipline me,
24 loved enough to challenge me,
25. cheered enough to boost my confidence,
26 let me fail enough to understand the way of success.
27. Mostly parents who taught the value of a bible verse for every occasion.
28. The Bahamas are cool to visit but you should learn to read French before you go to the beech to relax.
29. When you buy workout equipment to get a body like Arnold , it usually becomes a place to eat goodies and watch sports on to get a body like Rush Limbsugh
30. That older age is when your preferred neighborhoods have a Walgeeen's instead of a walmart.
31 Puns are the highest form of comedy and are the true measure of intelligence. ( this one is for those who really know me)
32. Golf is now a waste of good fishing time. It's not only cheaper , but the growth potential of your stories is much greater.
33. That I am lucky to have my dad as the man I want to be most like.
34. Spreading the wealth is a good idea, but only if it involves hard work, less government, less taxes and a clear understanding that true wealth is not based in money But in the size of the individuals heart. Some of the Wealthiest people I know don't have much money.
35. Prayer really works because there is a God who promised to hear our prayers and answers each one.
36. The greatest leader in the history of man took time to pray.
37. I think elections bring out the most interesting traits among our countryman and I think the media is the biggest winner unless we all get out and vote our conscience and not the polls.
38. If" in God we trust " is at the center of our money, then our net worth is fixed for the long run regardless of the economy. If we keep it there.
39. A wife is a true blessing to share the adventures of life with.
40. If one takes their time and doesn't jump to conclusions, the the conclusions seem to have a far greater outcome.
41. When you are young veggies are the only thing you didn't want to eat and when you get to 50 they are the only thing you should eat.
42. You might be a true oilman if you go to Dairy Queen with the kids and order "Copenhagen" sprinkles on your icecream cone.
43. Gray hair is better than no hair. I am well on my way to both.
44. The most effective way to remember your annersary is to forget it once. :)
45. Cucumbers sell better at 2 for a mickle than they do 3 for a dime. ( my family will understand this dill ).
46. I admire my uncle Jesse who went through the Batan Death March and survived and thrived with his Life. As much as from any man I have learned to be patient in adversity and to choose attitudes that honor God. ( Prisoner of Hope by Jesse Miler is a must read if you want to be challenged by an autobiography of a humble man )
47. You can only be young once , so I have decided to keep it up until I am adding 50 more comments in 50 more years
48. My bucket list is next to my shovel list which is piled on top of honey do list which is stapled to my bills to pay list which is next to my things to fix list. When all is done, I am not sure I will have the time to write my memoirs while skydiving to fish in the Andes in South America.
49. My kids amaze me all the time when I watch them really care about other individuals. They carry the spirit of the Lord to the circles in which they travel and as a father I could ask for no greater wealth.
50. I know the impact that Jesus Christ has had on my life as I know he has many of you. The most important and productive decision I have ever made is to receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour and to spend much time in the Bible reading his promises to me and communicating his love and hope to others
I hope your first 50 years (or more) bring you the realization that through Christ's sacrifice all is forgiven and all is set new. The hope we have in Him springs eternal and 50 years is just the beginning.
Thanks for reading my list of 50 things
Peace to you.
Jeff Dyk
Things a government cannot legislate
A lot of concerns swayed around the presidential elections of 2008 and rightfully so. Depending on how congress acts or the stances a new president may take on a variety of issues will have an effect on our personal situations in possibly dramatic ways. We should all prayerfully be involved in voting and exercising our civil rights to be involved.
That issue behind us in the short term I was thinking of all the things that should encourage us in our daily living that no government can legislate or limit us in.
1. Prayer. The bible says in James that the fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much. In Phillipians 4;6 we are told. "in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be known into God and the peace of God which surpasses your ability to understand it, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus "
2. Final Authority. There is still only one God who came to us in person exclusively through Jeaus Christ and He is still on the throne. Titus says "There is one God and one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus". And that is still true today after the election.
3. Obedience to God Obedience is still by far the greatest opportunity known to man. John 14:21 says "He who loves me will be loved by my f ather , and I too will love him and show myself too him ".
4. Kindness and generosity. While government can legislate all kinds of laws that impact our way, a decision to be kind and generous in our life with time, thought, and money is still up to us. The greatest return on an investment I have ever seen is when our treasures on earth are traded for treasures in heaven where nothing can erode in value. The good news here is that we get a load of God's value placed at our fingertips to use and invest. Titus 3:5 says "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but by His mercy he saved us. By the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit".
May God Bless Your Day after elections and feel free to pass this on !
Jeff Dyk
In Memory of a Saint
This past week a person close to our family passed away and joined the ranks of those that have gone to be with the Lord. After a long valiant struggle with cancer, the Lord invited her to his Kingdom where all sorrow and difficulty is gone. A place where faith is fully realized and those that receive Christ as the their Savior live forever with God in His Kingdom.
She was 54 She came from a family that loved the Lord and dedicated their lives in reaching people with the message of Jesus Christ.
I am writing this email I'm honor of this person that lived her life to honor God in her life and actions and in her death here on earth would want to make it clear to as many people possible that there is hope eternal in Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 says Jesus said "I am the way , the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. ".
Romans 3:23 says " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternnal life through Jesus Christ our Lord "
I know many who read this email have lost loved ones in difficult circumstances at times. I also know that in Christ we have a hope that beats death. While death is a short separation here, it is not eternal separation from God to those that acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
John 1:12 says "But as many as received Him to them gave he the power to become the Children of God"
I am crossing traditional email boundries with this email because the life of this person and her family compels me to. God crossed the boundries of heaven to reach us through His Son Jesus. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the World that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. "
I hope that the message you get from this email is that you matter to God and there is nothing God desires more than a personal relationship with you.
Thank you Karen McFadden and family for your eternal investment into the lives of others on behalf of Christ And thank you McFadden family and Koerner family for impacting so many people with the Gospel of our Lord. I pray this message brings a blessing to you in honor of your daughter, wife , mother, and friend.
Peace to all and pass this on.
Jeff Dyk
Why the Bible is still relevant to you (Part 3)
The source of true change
So much of campaign politics this year was run on the prospect of change. The promise to bring about change inspired people because deep down a chord was struck that made people think a government leader could march in a make the changes in our lives that would make us happier, more secure, peaceful, and prosperous. While there are many things that can be done in the leadership of a nation, the real prospect and hope of change exists in each individual's heart and mind and their relationship with God. And the cool thing about God is that He never changes. He does however reach out to us and invite us to be transformed and changed by His Word to us. In fact it is the only source of change that will stand up to the test of time in our lives.
Psalm 19:7-11 says
7. "The law of the Lord is perfect , converting the soul. The testimonies of the Lord are true, making wise the simple.
8. The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandments of the Lord are pure enlightening the eyes.
9. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever . The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
10. More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb
11. Moreover by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Here are the real changes that take place from digging into God's Word.
1. The soul is converted from lost to found and from disconnected to relational to God. That is change for the long run. !!!
2. We move from simple to wise by digging into God's Word. We can avoid pitfalls in choices we make out of the wisdom we gain from God's Word. Our future is changed for the better because of biblically proncipaled decisions.
3. We move from clouded thinking to clarity of mind when we study the timeless principals of God's Word. The principles for living found by studying God's Word become the enduring stength we need for life's journey. Change for the positive in our energy to pursue life !!
4. The closeness we experience to our creator and the wisdom we gain is more desirable for our lives than great riches. In fact they are great riches. The change we experience in our outlook on our lives gains and losses changes forever when we enjoy the true riches of God's Word.
So there you have it. Real change for troubled times. Dig in today and experience real change regardless of politics. !!
Peace to you and pass this on. !!!
Jeff Dyk
Why the Bible is still relevent to you (Part 2)
God's creation was designed to need trust in their lives for many things. The lack of being able to trust can lead to great discomforts and poor decisions on life's journey. God's Word was given to us to fulfill our need to have trust in something sure throughout our endeavors here on earth.
Proverbs 3:5,6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths "
What an awesome promise, but we have to trust God with all of our heart to realize his leading. This can often mean letting go of some of our security blankets we have built that have covered up God's promise and provision to us. Our own interpretations of circumstances and situations without consulting our Great God and the wisdom He offers us through the The Bible leads us to actions that draw us away from realizing the trust and hope we have in God through Jesus Christ. God leads his people through trials to refine their trust in him for both the temperal and eternal. God knows the greater we learn to trust Him the greater we learn how faithful He is to meet our needs.
So the Bible is God's message to satisfy our God given need for trust and security. Dig in and see for yourself today. !!
Peace to you and pass it on.
Jeff Dyk
Why the Bible is still relevant to you (Part 1)
In our very busy lives full of media bombardment and instant information we often find ourselves in information overload. We spend much time trying to keep up and process this information as quickly as it comes and it can be a daunting task. !!! We have to constantly decide for ourselves what part of these information bites are worth it for our lives.
God, in His infinite wisdom, took a lot of time (from man's perspective) to craft a timeless message designed to give His creation a compass to successfully navigate the journey of life and provide His Words as a guideline to evaluate the worthiness of all other media of information.
In the next few email devotionals, I am going to outline a number of reasons why knowing and learning God's Word is so important for successful living ( and provide passages from God's Word to encourage you with it)
1. You are the handiwork and creation of God. You have great value to Him and He has gone to great lengths to communicate to you. !!!
Revelation 3:20 says "Behold I stand at the door ( of your heart ) and knock. If any person will hear my voice, I will come in and commune with them and they with me as well!!
2. The knowledge, and meditation of the scriptures is God's foundation for successful living.
Psalm 1:1,2,3 says "Blessed is the man that sits not in the seat of sinners, nor stands in the way scorners, nor walks with mockers but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree whose roots are near the river of life and will bring forth his fruits in the right season.
Joshua 1:8 says "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth , but thou shalt meditate on them day and night. For then thou shall make yourself prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.
Soak in God's Word everyday. It is the gift of God to you. ! It is the life blood of everyday good thinking.
3. God's Word can give you the correct line of vision and insight to make every important decision.
Psalms 119:105 say "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. "
Psalms 119:9 says " How can a young man keep / cleanse his way ? By taking heed according to your Word. "
Take some time today ( even now! ) to dig in the Bible and allow God to lead you in His ways.
Peace to you and pass this on. !!
The Old Rugged Cross
One of my fond memories growing up was going to work with my Dad in his pickup and hearing him sing his favorite hymns on the way to work. His spirit of awe and worship toward our God and Savior was evident as he sang. One song that was a favorite of his in particular was “The Old Rugged Cross.”
Over the years, this song has been a favorite of mine as well, and I am sure the song will bless many generations to come. The simplicity of the gospel is so clear..
1. In life, we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
2. Christ Died for us while we were yet sinners. (Romans 6:23)
3. Christ took on the weight of every wrong doing and sinful act and thought of man on the Cross. Can you imagine the shame he felt being nailed to a cross and brutally dying because of what we had done wrong. It was so symbolic of the cross that he was put there by the very people that he came to die for. Embedded in that very action is the nature of the spirit in which we should act as well For us to forgive those who have wronged us because we have been forgiven of our wrong doing. We should strive to take on the Mind of Christ. (Phil 2:1-13)
4. We have hope because our sin didn’t keep him on the cross or in the grave…. Christ Rose from the dead, and we have a viable hope that goes beyond any difficulty we may face here on earth. He conquered sin, He conquered death, and He promised us a place with Him forever in heaven,.. In fact he has gone there after he rose from the dead to prepare a place for us. (John 14:6)
5. I hope the following song will give you a lift today as you consider the greatness of what God has done for you. Maybe this is one of your favorites as well.
“The Old Rugged Cross.”
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain.
O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above to bear it to dark Calvary.
In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, a wondrous beauty I see;
For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon ad sanctify me.
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true, its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He'll call me some day to my home far away, where His glory forever I'll share.
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it someday for a crown.
Jeff Dyk
Loneliness or a lonely place
I shall follow the Lord with all my heart I must refuse the way of lonliness and use my lonly places to be filled with the love my saviour bestowed upon me through his lonly place on the cross. Lonely places expose the needs of the soul and offer insight as to what must take place in the heart of man to truly be filled. As a follower of Christ only He can fill that spot with the same power and love with which he used to conquer the lonliest time and place in the world. That place on the cross where he took the burden of my sin and faced the turning of The Father's face ( true separation. ) as he took the penalty of death for my sin. I must see that my lonliness is the result of my own sin which I have not truly given over to God to change and forgive and a sign from God to be reconciled to Him And other times they are the gift and signal from God to teach me the ways of Christ and His intimate and quiet love that only He can use to fill that lonly place.
Lord. Help me recognize the causes of my lonely places and be reconciled to you completly so that I can take those lonely places that you offer as a gift and return them to you as an offering of quietness where I can learn of your heart and not my view. Allow my lonely place to be a place where eagles soar and my bucket is recharged with the passion that once flowed from your filling of my heart with your holy spirit.
Lord thankyou for my handicap time in a wheel chair and hospital bed. Thank you for exposing my weaknesses and comforting my soul. Thank you for the gift of a lonely place but not loneliness. For you have faced for me the penalty of rejection for my sin. And you have promised never to leave me or forsake me. Let this lonly place challenge me to spend time with those who need the answer to their loneliness which is found only in connecting to you. I offer up the little I have to give for the much you have to do.
Give me the courage to know the difference between your desire for me to be in a lonely place to either lead or be molded by you and when I face loneliness because I have separated myself from you in disobedience.
Your servant.
Pass this on if it will encourage anyone you know to find a solution to loneliness. And go out and pet your local cripple :)
God's Stimulus Plan (Part 7) (Final of 7)
An economy that provides needs, produces freedom, builds community, and passes the best values down from generation to generation.
The role of Hope in building community
Real hope has the history of inspiring great action within people. Without real hope, communities crumble. So where does real hope come from. And further more, how does God use hope to build communities? How do we as individuals become fueled by hope and inspire it into those around us?
Real hope must be based on truth and faith and action. Pipe dreams are short lived and start with high energy and end in disillusionment.
It was a small boy who gave possibly one of the best object lessons in economics and hope of written history. It was probably hot in the middle of the day where a large crowd of 5000 had gathered to hear the healer speak. They had traveled from near and far to see for themselves this man who claimed to be the messiah. There were no conveniently placed fast food restaurants or ways to take care of the crowd. The disciples reverted to worrying about how the crowd had grown hungry and how would they be able to feed them. One young boy, not yet acustomed to the patterns of fear and doubt, simply decided to offer the lunch he had with him to Jesus. Imagine the thoughts going through the disciples mind. .....
"nice gesture kid, but this is a bigger problem than you can see. Keep your food and hide!"
Jesus sensing the chance to teach an object lesson for all time about His promise and provision chose to take the young man's offering and prayed over it. What happened next baffles logic and teaches us much about God's heart of provision and community. He simply showed how concerned He was for the community of people., and what a simple act of faith and generosity would accomplish in the hands of the creator. Hope was realized, needs were met by the response of our Lord to child-like faith.
We all, like that young boy, have gifts, goods, and time that we can invest into the life of another through the spirit of God . The results will be multiplied. God desires our hearts have faith in His promises and to offer him what seems like the little we have to see Him do amazing things.
We also have a lot to give those coming behind us and watching. The faith we place in God is often used in the lives of others to allow a glimpse of God's faithfulness Hebrews 11 talks about the people who demonstrated their faith in God's promises as an example for us to follow, and we too must demonstrate the courage to trust God for his promises for the sake of each generation. That is how we pass it on.
I hope these words have encouraged you to dig deep in tough times and to put your trust in the faithful God who has reached out to you.
God bless and pass this on.
His Servant,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
God's Stimulus Plan - Part 6
An economy that provides needs, produces freedoms, builds community, and passes the best values from generation to generation.
The Family Aspect of Community
I remember growing up on the farm in Billings Montana with a large family. 10 kids and very hard working parents. In that setting, there were many great principals displayed that are fundamental to solid community.
1. God was the center of everything. Dad and Mom instilled family devotions, prayer for family, friends, missionaries, and the world in general. The world view developed that the scriptures teach was communicated everyday.
I can truly attest that those times have given me the tools and strength I have needed many times over to live an abundant and connected life through God's gift of trials and joys.
2 Timothy 2:15 says "Study to show thyself approved into God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, correctly doing and obeying the word of God."
2. Everyone had chores to do that required growing levels of responsibility as we got older. These chores were important to meeting needs of the family for food (from the fruits of farming). This aspect certainly taught us to contribute hard work for the good of those around us.
Economies today need an outlook from individuals that look to contribute a portion of effort always for the betterment of those around us. It cannot be legislated by government, but must be a matter of the individual and ripple through a community because of leadership examples.
Acts 6:7 talks of the growth of the body of Christ because of leadership that helped people follow a proven pattern of responsibility and needs were met.
3. The home was always open to guests who would dine with us, and experience the same daily scriptures and prayers. A story from scriptures that has always displayed the inviting aspect of Jesus was the story of Zacheus. An outcast by the good people of a community because he was a tax collector and small to boot, but Christ invited him to dinner to fellowship and teach.
How are we at inviting others into our personal circles with the intention of blessing them. As we do, do they see the love for God in your circle. God's stimulus plan for community must involve invitation to others be a part.
God's peace to you and I invite you to pass this on to someone it might bless.
His servant,
God's Stimulus Plan - Part 5
An economy that provides needs, produces freedom, builds community, and passes the best values down from generation to generation.
God's design for building community.
True community,for the sake of these next writings, is the sense of belonging, building, participating, gaining support, and actively investing the gifts God has bestowed upon everyone uniquely and corporately to bring about His Kingdom here on earth. The body of Christ is the core of that community.
I am always amazed, humbled, and deeply challenged when I read the scriptures that tell of Jesus Christ interacting with the individual. You can see in each instance the special value he placed on each individual. He knew that He was a personal creator and savior for everyone across time and distance. It speaks loudly to me when I need him for strength and encouragement that He knows me intimately and will hear and answer my prayers. It should motivate us to look at those we encounter in our path in the same light.
Community principals
1. God is the resource for strength, sustainance , encouragement for a community. We can love because He loved us first and completely.
2. Prayer and reading God's word is our lifeline to that strength. This is true individually as well as a community. Even if governments built by men want to ignore this truth, as believers we cannot. For through His word, He has taught us to love Him with every fiber of our being and to love our neighbor as we would love ourself.
3. We must have a heart for the individual next to us and see them through the eyes of Christ. Without that love and view a community cannot grow and prosper. Remember always that communities are built with individuals created by the same creator.
Philippians 2:4 says ( paraphrase )
Look not only to the things that bless and benefit yourself, but let look also to the things that bless and benefit others.
My encouragement to you today is to find a neighbor that is in your circle of influence and look to bless them in some manner that would reflect the love that God has placed on you. Pray for them in the manner that Our Lord prayed for us.
Befriend them in the same mindset our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ befriended you.
This is the beginning of community
Peace to you and pass this on
His Servant,
Next week we will examine more aspects of community. I look forward to the gathering. :).
God's Stimulus Plan - Part 4
An economy that provides needs, produces freedom, builds community, and passes the best values down from generation to generation.
Freedom in God's Plan involves knowing God's truth.
In today's media driven society, there is a lot of smoke and mirrors around what is true and false. A lot of spin is put on facts and truth is subjective mand not concrete. The constitution and the facts around it are being changed and interpreted to accomodate man's determination to leave God out of the picture. When the laws and commands of God are shadowed in government, natural conseqences occur because true freedom can only occur with a system that maintains a respect to the truths of God related to the conduct of man.
That said, Jesus came to establish a kingdom here on earth. In the sermon on the mount in Matthew 6:9-12 Jesus showed us how to pray to allow our relationship with him to grow and thereby our relationship with others.
1. Addressing God. - "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ". Holiness and relational love working together to produce real freedom in that He is our Father by the shed blood of Christ. Together these truths have allowed us to boldly and freely approach our heavenly father.
2. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This displays the freedom that happens when we desire God's kingdom where we live and are willing to obey Him to see that happen. Desire for and Obedience to God's kingdom laws are synonomous to freedom.
3. Give us this day our daily bread. Freedom of spirit occurs when we verbally and internally place our trust in Him for our daily sustainance. It is often we place ourselves in the prison of fear and worry by looking beyond what God has given you today. Jesus boldly invited us to trust Him. Do that today. Take him up on the promise (remember his promise and proven character are the foundation of God's stimulus plan). Look at the things God has given you today to live today and thank him for today. Trust Him for tomorrow. Marvel in what he has done in your life in the past.
4. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. How easy is it for us to point fingers of blame and hurt toward others while at the same time needing forgiveness. Freedom cannot exist in an environment of hate, bitterness, and blame. Had not Christ died for my sins (and the sins I did even today in thoughts and deeds!), I would not be able to stand before His holiness and live. We must ask God to give us a spirit of readiness to forgive others if we are to live in His freedom.
5. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Freedom can only come to us if we embody the vision that Christ has for your life. Psalm 23 shows how God wants to lead us by still waters and green pastures. That means we have to humble ourselves to embrace His leadership daily. Following Him always and only is where we must go to experience real freedom.
I hope these Words have stirred in you the desire for greater intamacy with God and have helped you partake just a bit more in His feast of freedom that stems from forgiveness.
Peace to you and pass this on.
His forgiven Servant,
Next week we will dive into the community building aspect of God's stimulus plan. Thanks for reading.
God's Stimulus Plan - Part 3
An economy that provides needs, produces freedom, builds community, and passes the best values down from generation to generation.
Obedience to God Produces Freedom
There are many ways that we proclaim to others what true freedom is. True freedom however comes from our God and how he made us to be his children. He gave us laws and commandments to live by that are the backbone of real freedom. Without the combination of God's laws and our obedience to them, we can never experience the joy of our created existence to it's fullest.(Freedom)
Often we find ourselves in conflict over what is right vs. what is convenient. When we decide on what is wrong, we find justification through all kinds of reasonings that are supported only by opinion, the popular thought, or sometimes just ignoring our conscience all together. God's word however, is full of instruction to do right and thereby experience freedom. This truth is clearly seen in the ten commandments.
In Joshua 1:8 the Lord emphasizes the connection between knowing God's law, doing God's commandments, and prospering according to God's standards as a result of it. It says. "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success. "
Psalm 1:2 - 4 says "But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law does He meditate day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the water that brings forth it's fruit in it's season. It's leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever He doeth shall prosper. "
John 14:21 says "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my father and I too will love him and show myself to him. "
I hope this portion of God's stimulus plan motivates you to get to know the life-giving, energizing, soul searching, thirst quenching, commands of God in the Bible so that the freedom that God has planned for your life will benefit you in all you do. One of my favorite places to start is Psalm 19.
Peace to you.
Next we will explore some more freedom producing concepts from God's Word.
Pass it on. :)
His Servant,
Jeff Dyk
Monday, March 16, 2009
Isaiah 40:31

Teach us Lord to hear your voice in the big and small things and to have the vision and strength of an eagle to soar high above our problems and use the wind of adversity to be seen as your gift to allow us to fly with grace at all times in our lives. It is there where we can be used as carriers of hope to those around us, and can be used to lift others up in times that are tough.
The basis of hope is patience in the perfect timing of God to act on his promises from the Word of God. When deep adversity is present, our instinct is to worry and fear for the future.
Whatever your situation, take the time to do the following:
1. Pray and seek God for real. He has promised to hear you and renew you.Phil. 4:6-8
2. Wait and be patient for God to hear you. This takes faith. Isaiah 40:31
3. Act on what is wise. Don't act in panic but truly take God up on his promise in His holy Word because that is the foundation of His economy and God neither fails or changes.
Isaiah 42:10 says "You shall not fear them, for the Lord your God he shall fight for you. And I sought the Lord (humbly prayed and praised) at that time saying what God is there in heaven or earth that can do according your works and stand up to your might
Next week we will wrap up God's stimulus plan. It really works and takes what we already have and applies it to what we already have. (with fewer politicians and much less paper. )
God bless you this week with strength as you call out to Him. He loves to hear His people. Pass this on. And know that if you are on the email list I prayed for you this week.
Jeff Dyk
Upstream Professionals, Inc.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
God's Stimulus Plan (Part 2 of 8)
An economy that provides needs, produces freedom, builds community, and passes the best values from generation to generation.
God bridged the gap between man's sin and debt by the sacrifice of his Son on the cross. When we have received Christ as our Savior, we are clothed with His righteousness and not our own. This is our most fundamental need provided. Embraced in the contemplation of this provision is a statement of our lost and separated condition, our immeasurable worth, our defined chance for restoration and renewal, and our hope for our temporal and eternal provision by our God and Creator.
Jeremiah 33:3 says "Call into me and I will answer you and show you gear and mighty things which you do not know."
Did you know that God desires to meet the needs of His children. He loves to provide in his Wisdom. In God's stimulus plan there are no miguided and frivolous expenditures. Every provision is designed to meet your God given needs.
So here are the basics of God's provision.
1. His supply is based on His treasury and his ability, not anything else. This is important because it is the very foundation our supply from God. It will never dry up.
Phillipians 4:19
2. He is the creator of all mankind and has asked to seek him. We will find him. Knock and the door will be opened. Ask and it shall be given. (on God's understanding of our needs, not our own. ). Matthew 6:33 says "But seek he first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added into you. "
3. Our needs are not always the same as our wants. God sees our needs in an eternal light with a first hand knowledge of our earthly plight. As we grow to see this our lives can experience the contentment of soul only known by those who have taken the time to recognoize His provision in a whole new way.
What are the deepest needs you have today? Security? Peace of mind? Forgiveness? Reconciled relationship to God and your fellow man ?
Your Creator stands by fully ready to meet you where you are at and make Himself known to you as your God and Provider. Call out to God today from the deepest part of your heart and watch in wonder as you see him respond to you.
Peace to you and pass this on.
His Servant,
Jeff Dyk
God's Stimulus Plan (Part 1 of 8)
Today's economy is surfacing a lot of difficulties all around the nation in many ways. The loss of jobs, the uncertainty in financial markets, the loss of retirement funds and houses has left many people hopeless, hurting, and desparate for answers. Questions abound. Congress quabbles over how to build "infrastructure" and finds cause to fight over what that definition even is.
While I certainly have strong opinions over what that is and how economies thrive (not with misbalanced debt) I want to encourage some thoughts in another direction. These encouragements have to do with God's view of economy and how to build an economy that lasts beyond generations with a complete realization of God's provision in any time.
Let's think of this economy as a system built to provide for real needs, allow true freedom, and build communities that last and can pass the best values down from generation to generation. The currency of this economy is based in the promises of God,
The most important foundation of this economy is based on the absolute confidence that God will always do as He promised based on His proven character
Every promise of God is based in eternal value and is realized through acts of trust and obedience.
-- God promised to save us from our sins if we recieve as our Savior and repent. 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Real Needs Provided - Reconciliation.
In God's economy he has provided the most important needs of life! The first and foremost need is reconciliation to God and a relationship restored to your creator. This is the very baseline of God's economy. (The bailout from our sin and our hope of eternal life). The promise is realized by our act of obedience to his invite that we humble ourselves before God, confess our sins and receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
When our honest and open relationship has begun with God through his Son, God invites us to boldly approach Him as his very own children.
In upcoming emails we will dig into some more aspects of God's stimulus plan, but I hope that the thought of God the Father being a provider for you lifts your spirit this week.
God's peace and pass this on !
In His Economy and service,
Jeff Dyk