Throwing stones or planting seeds ?
A major breakdown in Christian circles today is caused by Christians armed with stones to throw at each other and non believers when a problem is seen instead of biblically approaching a problem with the heart of heavenly wisdom.
We have named these stones well and have painted them to be our security blanket of attack when we or those around us sense our comfort zone has been breeched. Jesus however gained insight and brought heavely wisdom aimed at repentance and restoration. He guarded dignity of each person who was the target of reproach.
James 3:16 said it well. "But wisdom that is from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving , kind , considerate. Full of mercy and good fruit. 17. Peacemakers who so on peace raise a harvest of righteousness. "
So how do we throw stones ? And how can we know the difference between stones of self righteousness and condemnation and a true standing against right and wrong ?
Furthermore if I am truly a follower of Christ, what am I called to. ?
Let me start with an observation. Well meaning people throw stones of hurt and condemnation without knowing it but also without a solid biblical mindset.
For instance I hear a lot of whisper's amongst adults who will say "Stay away from that kid because he / she is a bad influence". (When in reality it is a kid who needs to see a better way and someone who cares enough to sow some seeds in their heart in a rightful way) we need to be teaching our kids to reach out with biblical wisdom so they are prepared to reach others as they grow into adulthood.
When I examine the life of Christ my savior I am always amazed at how he approached people with problems and sins. The very same people we pick up our bag of well named stones for !
For example , Zacheus the tax collector. Many good people threw mental stones at the little tax man. But not our Lord. He invited him to eat with him. Just the opposite of the avoidance stone the people were tossing ( If we are honest we all have bags of well polished beautiful stones designed to hit the mark of our intention ).
Now Jesus Christ was always equipped to respond to people with Biblical wisdom from heaven. "Go and sin no more" he would say or come and eat with. Me. ". To their amazement.
The woman about to be stoned for her lifestyle was not condemned by Christ, but given mercy and protection with The Lord's confronting the religious accusers with wise writing in the ground. One by one they dropped their stones. Realizing when Christ knew tbeir intent was malicious and not righteous the stones became to heavy to bear.
What if we traded our stones for seeds.? What would happen if we were slower to throw stones and quicker to see the person as Christ did. What if we really took the time it takes to cultivate a seed into a human spirit and water it rather than throw our stones of preconceived opinions and judgments. How many lives would be changed like Zacheus or the woman about to be stoned?
It is inconvenient, takes time, and many times will be misunderstood by those around us. But the results glorify God who redeemed you from a place of despair.
Psalm 119:14. Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.
His Servant
Jeff Dyk
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