Wednesday, March 18, 2009

God's Stimulus Plan - Part 6

God's Stimulus Plan - Part 6

An economy that provides needs, produces freedoms, builds community, and passes the best values from generation to generation.

The Family Aspect of Community

I remember growing up on the farm in Billings Montana with a large family. 10 kids and very hard working parents. In that setting, there were many great principals displayed that are fundamental to solid community.

1. God was the center of everything. Dad and Mom instilled family devotions, prayer for family, friends, missionaries, and the world in general. The world view developed that the scriptures teach was communicated everyday.

I can truly attest that those times have given me the tools and strength I have needed many times over to live an abundant and connected life through God's gift of trials and joys.

2 Timothy 2:15 says "Study to show thyself approved into God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, correctly doing and obeying the word of God."

2. Everyone had chores to do that required growing levels of responsibility as we got older. These chores were important to meeting needs of the family for food (from the fruits of farming). This aspect certainly taught us to contribute hard work for the good of those around us.

Economies today need an outlook from individuals that look to contribute a portion of effort always for the betterment of those around us. It cannot be legislated by government, but must be a matter of the individual and ripple through a community because of leadership examples.

Acts 6:7 talks of the growth of the body of Christ because of leadership that helped people follow a proven pattern of responsibility and needs were met.

3. The home was always open to guests who would dine with us, and experience the same daily scriptures and prayers. A story from scriptures that has always displayed the inviting aspect of Jesus was the story of Zacheus. An outcast by the good people of a community because he was a tax collector and small to boot, but Christ invited him to dinner to fellowship and teach.

How are we at inviting others into our personal circles with the intention of blessing them. As we do, do they see the love for God in your circle. God's stimulus plan for community must involve invitation to others be a part.

God's peace to you and I invite you to pass this on to someone it might bless.

His servant,


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